For City Leaders, Municipalities and Public Administrations

Innovative Climate Tech solutions for building sustainable cities

Driving change to a sustainable future for citizens, countries and our planet

Cities play an essential role in shaping our future. By 2050 2/3 of the global population is expected to be urban. Several cities around the globe have begun the transition to a sustainable approach modernizing their setup and services through climate technology

Why building sustainable cities is
imperative for the planet and for
the community

of global emissions

Cities are highly responsible of climate change like temperature increase and drought. 1.6 billion people could be vulnerable to chronic extreme heat (up from 200 million today), and 650 million could face water scarcity.


Cities cover only 3% of the planet surface, at the same time, they are big consumers. The rapid urbanization is placing very high pressure on access to basic services such as heating, cooling and water.


In 2022, an average of 82% of municipal solid waste globally was being collected and only 55% was being managed in controlled facilities. It is estimated that globally by 2050, the levels of municipal solid waste will double.

*Source: McKinsey Sustainability & Siemens Advanta - From city theory to smart tech reality

Building city resilience: innovative
climate technology solutions

How we help your city achieve climate
resilience and net-zero goals

We assist you in charting a sustainable transition journey

Climate change's complexity necessitates a collaborative, multi-actor approach to effectively develop, test, and implement innovative solutions.

Forest Valley is committed to enabling municipalities' transition towards a sustainable future through tailor-made open innovation projects, which encompass:

  • Identifying innovation areas and goals
  • Defining specific needs
  • Establishing budgetary parameters

We are your best ally for climate action and funding the future

Forest Valley can partner with cities to access European funds for addressing environmental challenges.

We can collaborate with local authorities in various ways:

  • Project Development: Identify climate-related projects aligned with European funding priorities.
  • Capacity Building: Enhance partners' ability to access funds through training and support.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Facilitate connections and knowledge sharing among stakeholders.
  • Public Awareness and Advocacy: Raise awareness about climate change and sustainable practices.

Stay current with the latest climate
tech solutions for city sustainability

Meet the latest Startups in climate tech at our next Demo Day

We periodically gather a curated selection of innovative startups that have successfully graduated from our rigorous acceleration program.

Our Demo Day is an exceptional opportunity for local authorities to gain insights into cutting-edge climate solutions, witness disruptive technologies in action, and connect with the brightest minds in the climate tech startup ecosystem.

Ready to make your city a
better and sutainabile place?

Contact us to get more information about how we can help you find the best climate solutions for your city sustainability.

Meet our Startups and discover their
climate tech solutions

Energy Efficiency

A nano-silicon and graphene technology for increased lithium-ion battery efficiency

Food Chain Sustainability

A fish and dairy quality and traceability solution from harvest to store

Water Management

Sludge pretreatment technology that significantly increases biogas generation

Food Chain Sustainability

A bioprocessing solution that upcycles biowaste, extracting sugars, fats and proteins

SaaS Sustainability Management

An online platform connecting OEMs, buyers, and 3D printing service providers

Renewable Energy and Infrastructure

Autonomous drone solution for asset inspection in the energy industry


Highly efficient electrolysis and fuel cell systems for hydrogen production

Discover all the startups

What they say about us

Our Partners

Ready to build up your citizens future with sustainable solutions?